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Charcoal Mineral Black Ampoule Mask

MD’s recommendation:

Sheet mask that has a sheet that is not too thin and thick, comfortable when applied, is suitable for all skin types. Specially formulated to tighten pores, made from natural ingredients that have various benefits such as moisturizing the face, controlling excess oil levels on the face.


SKU: 1-02-0008-0003

SNP Charcoal Mineral Black Ampoule Mask is a sheet mask specially formulated to tighten pores. Made from mineral water, charcoal powder, hyaluronic acid, chestnut peel extract, and Caulerpa lentilifera extract that can moisturize the face, control oil levels on the face, and cleanse the face. Suitable for all skin types.

- Tighten pores
- Brighten the face
- Moisturize the face
- Control the oil contained in the face

Brand: SNP
BPOM: NA26180201129
Weight / volume: - / 25 ml


How to use:

Apply to the face that has been cleaned. Remove the mask after use for 15-20 minutes.


mineral water, charcoal powder, hyaluronic acid, chestnut shell extract, and Caulerpa lentilifera extract


  1. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Normal
    Age Range: 16-25

    Nur Wahyuningtyas

    Selalu suka rangkaian masker dari SNP dan paling cocok dengan yang hitam ini kerasa lebih efektif pas dpake. Cobain deh masker ini pas lagi ada jerawat yang mau timbul. Enak

  2. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Oily
    Age Range: 16-25

    Nur Indah Wahyu Ningsih

    Dari dulu pas kenal snp paling cocok varian ini sih apalagi dipake pas mau ada jerawat, lebih mantep

  3. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Oily
    Age Range: 16-25

    Wiwit Widya Sari

    Awal mula keracunan suhay salim dong dan ternyata emang bagusnya sih kebangetan sampe akhirat. Cepet banget bikin reda pas breakout

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