
Just One Perilla Frutescens Leaf Extract

MD’s Recommendation:

This toner can help soothe irritation on stressed skin due to daily activities, accelerate the regeneration process and help relieve skin problems, besides being used on facial skin, this toner can also be used on the scalp.



Just One Perilla Frutescens Leaf Extract is a product made from 100% perilla leaf extract, rich in various minerals and vitamin K which is effective to relieve inflammation and help relieve skin problems, soothe irritation and stressed skin effectively, strengthen skin and accelerate The regeneration process contains Perilaldehyde and EAP, which are unsaturated fatty acids that can help nourish the scalp.

- Protects skin
- Smooth the skin
- Nourish the scalp
- Made from 100% fresh perilla leaf extract from Namwon
- Certified vegan
- Extracted with high technology

Brand: Beauty Of Majesty
BPOM: NA26221200489
Weight/volume: -/150ml


How to use:

1. As an all-in-one toner
Pour enough product on a cotton pad or palm of your hand to use the product as a toner.

2. As Mist

The product can be poured into a mist container/bottle and mixed with other products that you have used before (such as toners or products with other extracts).

3. As a homemade product
– Add 5-10% Just One Houttuynia Cordata Extract to other skincare products that you have used (toner, lotion, cream). (measuring 5-10ml per 100ml)
– You can also mix the product with 2 other kinds of extracts.
Example: 80% Houttuynia cordata + 20% Artemisia Capillaris extract


Perilla Frutescens Leaf Extract


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