Now Sold

Essence Toner

MD’s recommendation :

This toner essence has a formula that can hydrate the skin intensely to nourish the skin and make it moisturized. Contains 91.3% Milk Vetch root extract to restore your skin’s energy. A dense and thick texture that absorbs quickly into the skin for a moist but smooth and clean finish. Free from fragrances and artificial dyes, and hypoallergenic to treat the skin without irritating it. Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin.


100 ml200 ml

Excellent absorption and intense hydration
1. Contains 91.3% Milk Vetch Root Extract to re-energize and replenish your skin.
2. Provides intense hydration. Simply patting your skin will result in a gummy sensation in which the skin will react with a high level of elasticity!
3. A viscous, dense texture that absorbs quickly into the skin for a dewy yet smooth and clean finish
4. Free of artificial fragrances and colors and hypoallergenic to care for your skin without irritating it.

BPOM : NA26181205111
Weight/volume : 170 gr/ 100 ml


How to use:

1. Pour enough on cotton
2. Apply gently to follow the lines of your skin
3. Flip the cotton and pat lightly so that the contents can be absorbed
4. Warm your hands and apply them to your face so that the essence toner can be absorbed better, just pat your skin to produce a supple sensation and increase the elasticity of your skin.


Main ingredients:

Astragalus Membranaceus Root Extract, 1,2-Hexanediol, Butylene Glycol, Bis-PEG-18 Methyl Ether Dimethyl Silane, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Carbomer, Arginine


  1. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Dry
    Age Range: 16-25


    Beli toner essence ini karena Pyunkang Yul lagi hits di kalangan beauty anthusias, kebanyakan reviews bilang toner ini tuh bagus banget dan kebetulan pas lagi diskon ya udah beli deh daripada penasaran hiks 😀 . Ternyata demi apa secinta ini sama produk ini, kulitku jadi plump, kenyal lembut, yang tadinya kering langsung terhidrasi. Pemakaian pertama aja udah terasa bedanya 💕 Recommendasi deh

  2. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Combination
    Age Range: 26-35


    The affordable toner, this is my second bottle. Essence toner terbaik bikin kulit kenyal, lembut dan sehat. Ingredientnya dari bahan alami. 👍👍 Tekstur padat dan kental yang menyerap dengan cepat ke dalam kulit untuk hasil akhir lembab, halus dan bersih.

  3. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Sensitive
    Age Range: 26-35


    Awalnya galau banget mau beli toner ini, tapi karena toner dari brand sebelah yg lg hits sold out dimana-mana akhirnya ku putuskan beli toner essence dari Pyunkang Yul yang ga kalah menarik karena banyak yang bilang dia bagus. Oh my god beneran bagus, cepet banget nyerap ke kulit, dan hasilnya lembab, halus. Semangat buat habisin toner ini. yeeay

  4. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Dry
    Age Range: 16-25

    Ulfa Mawaddah

    Beli pas ada diskon disini. Pengen coba-coba aja, eh ternyata cocok. Adem dan melembabkan sesuai dengan klaimnya. Calon jerawat batal muncul. Aromanya sih samar banget. Good

  5. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Normal
    Age Range: 26-35


    Fix bakal jadi hydrating toner favorit, harganya pun affordable apalagi beli pas promo. 2in1 Toner sekaligus Essence jadi cocok buat yang ga mau ribet pake skincare. Aku udah pake selama seminggu karena mau test dulu cocok apa nggak, alhamdulillah cocok. Efek pertama yang ku rasain kulit jadi lembab, plump dan cepet meresap.

  6. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Oily
    Age Range: 16-25

    Lucinda Shafana Elizabeth

    Holy grail!
    Udh repurchased berkali kali, dari ukuran 200ml sampe 100 ml. Ini ngelembabin dan bikin kenyel mukaku, padahal dulu mukaku oily parah sekarang nggak lagi dong, cinta banget sama ini❤️ Aku lebih suka ukuran 100ml, karena kecil hehe

  7. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Normal
    Age Range: 16-25

    Keira Anggraeni

    Udah botol kedua dan selalu repurchase disni. Bener bener enak sih dipakenya, melembabkan banget menurutku dan cocok buat kulit sensitif . Aku suka banget sama texture nya agak kental tapi ngga thick dan cepat nyerap ke kulit wajah. Terbaik banget udah

  8. Zulfaa Khoirunnissa
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Combination
    Age Range: 16-25

    Zulfaa Khoirunnissa

    Aku beli ini karena penasaran banget katanya bagus. Aku pakai ini langsung dituang ke tangan terus ditap-tap. Ga ada wanginya sama sekali. Teksturnya cair agak kental dan cepat meresap. Licin juga kalau di usap ke kulit. Efeknya melembapkan tanpa bikin kulit iritasi.

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