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Snail Intensive Soothing Gel

MD’s Recommendation:

Take care of your skin’s elasticity with the help of Snail Gel. The formula helps moisturize, calm and provide additional nutrition for your face.


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SKU: 1-02-0008-0016

Gives a calming effect
contains 99% snail extract which can provide full moisture to dry skin and effectively soothe sensitive skin due to UV rays and dangerous environment.

provides concentrated moisture with a light and non-sticky texture.
Can be used as an alternative to the first skin care step with a mild absorption without leaving the skin feeling sticky.

Contains 9 herbal ingredients such as: Chamomile, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, basil, sage, oregano, spearmint, lemon balm
Without artificial coloring, without animal oils, without minerals, without parabens and without benzophenone.

- Moisturize the skin
- Soothes sensitive skin

Brand: SNP
BPOM: NA26180103130
Weight / volume: - / 300 ml


How to use:

Apply gel to dry and sensitive area (on the face, arms, legs, or the whole body). It can be stored in the refrigerator for cold effects.


Water, Snail secretion filtrate, Dipropylene Glycol, Glycerin, Alcohol Denat


  1. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Oily
    Age Range: 16-25

    Chacha Salsabila

    Pas lagi rame-rame aloe vera dan coba, sayangnya aku nggak cocok dan malah jadi beruntusan parah. Masih nggak kapok aku coba SNP Snail ini. Eh ternyata cocok dong sekali. Buat jerawat bagusnya dia langsung bikin kempes. Gud banget udah

  2. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Normal
    Age Range: 16-25

    Cheryl Tsabina

    Ringan dan cepet meresap, nggak bikin jadi mengkilat. Enak buat yg males pake aloe aloean.

  3. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Dry
    Age Range: 16-25

    Erny Devienna Sandy

    Segar, nggak lengket dan bisa aku pakai buat base makeup. Sejauh ini belum ada tanda2 nggak cocok. Pemakaian udah 2 mingguan

  4. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Normal
    Age Range: 26-35

    Chacha Salsabila Nur

    Enak dan nggak berat di muka. Cepet nyerepnya itu kelebihan buat aku yang nggak suka sama produk yang lama nyerepnya kan jd kayak lengket gmn gt. Abisnya lama. Beli pas promo ampe sekarang belum abis juga setengahnya. atau akunya aja yang pakenya dikit2 hahaha. Tapi super affordable to buy 🙂

  5. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Oily
    Age Range: 16-25

    Cheryyl Tsbaita

    Kesan pertama, baru tau ada varian snail dari sekian banyaknya varian aloe vera. Kedua, aromanya cukup kuat jadi awal pakai agak takut aja. Tapi, dia cepet nyerepnya di kulit. Jadi nggak bikin lengket

  6. Rated 5 out of 5
    Skin Type: Normal
    Age Range: 26-35

    Eka Ariandini

    Enaknya bikin ketagihan kalo pake. aku ngga suka yang aloe tapi jatuh cinta sama yang siput. Lebih enak aja dari segi aroma dan nggak nyengat. Cepet pula di serap sama wajah

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